Friday, May 15, 2009

torche - healer

in honor of alex's show at the showbox at the market, i'm going to post something a little more heavy.

torche is out of florida and despite the associations usually indicative of a florida band, they are a bulldozer. add 1 droning sympathetic string squeal, a pumpkins-like rhythm guitar with aggressive drumming ala dave grohl bringing me back to nirvana's glory days. as guttural and raw as 'healer' comes across, it still manages to sheen with gunmetal finish; you know, like that guy's car in high school with the hand painted skull.

happy friday


Unknown said...

See you at the showbox baller

Dixie Wrecked said...

I always wondered what would happen if Rancid and Everclear had a kid.

Not bad.