Tuesday, May 26, 2009

phoenix - wolfgang amadeus phoenix

there has been a good deal of internet buzz about phoenix's new album wolfgang amadeus phoenix. the title of the album and track 'lisztomania' tongue in cheek throwbacks to classical composers. a stab at the pomp behind classical composers, or nod back towards classical compositions?

wolfgang amadeus phoenix doesn't blaze new territories with the french quartet's signature blend of funk/pop/alt vibes, but they do employ some deep resonating synths to channel a darker shadow on their playful image. despite the dark texture, thomas mars' vocals remain unsinkable with syncopation, youth and naivety.

while many tracks dangle usual phoenix pop hooks, jangly guitar rhythms and skipping bass lines akin to sounds of united,
wolfgang amadeus phoenix finds the band more spatially aware. '1901' and 'lisztomania' will find you uncontrollably bobbing your head to tunes which could totally have been remixed off the band's first album with added guttural, buzzing synths. this new found sense of space will surely draw comparisons to another distant french cousin (air) with synthmospheric tracks like 'love like a sunset part 1' and the break near mid 'rome.' of course it goes without saying they will continue to be likened to the strokes, (although i hear more albert hammond jr).

wolfgang amadeus phoenix finds phoenix darker; but only for a moment like the short boy who walks into house of mirrors to make himself taller. phoenix's texture and imagination are what really adds to the depth.


HermNation said...

Damn, how many powerful names/terms can you have in a band name. I want to be "Sparta Tiberius Lakers"

Dixie Wrecked said...

Please no Lakers talk...Spurs fan

As far as powerful names, you can't get stronger than Hurricane Ditka.

Good song though.